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The World Languages Department offers full sequences in Spanish and French with courses in American Sign Language as well. Beginning in seventh grade, students may choose between Spanish or French to begin their language studies. Their junior high school language study covers Checkpoint A of the New York State Education Department’s Learning Standards for Languages other than English. These standards were updated in March 2021 and the revisions align the standards with both the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and high-leverage practices and update them to represent what students should know and be able to do in the languages and cultures which they study. Upon successful completion of a regionally developed comprehensive examination in the language, students will receive 1 H.S. credit for their junior high study. The students will go on to study for two years more pursuing Checkpoint B proficiency, earning 1 H.S. credit for each year of study. Their successful completion of a regionally developed comprehensive examination at the end of two years will award them the language component for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. 

Beginning in grade 9, students may choose to take American Sign Language, offering them an opportunity to learn another language while earning 1 H.S. credit per year of study. The successful completion of a regionally developed comprehensive examination will afford them the chance to complete another language sequence. (Students can also begin the study of another language in grade 9, if they have taken Spanish, they will continue to do so but add French to their schedule or vice versa.

The courses offered in both French and Spanish utilize materials published by Vista Higher Learning which include a V Text and online platform for activities, assessment and more. The focus of each class is the development of communicative skills coupled with cultural understanding. Each unit is supplemented with a variety of writing activities, listening activities, multimedia presentations, videos, music, as well as the online component and listening lab of native speakers for additional reinforcement. The units of study are organized into Checkpoints:

Checkpoint A (grades 7-8) - Emphasis is placed on the fundamental sound system, vocabulary, basic grammatical structures, and the essential skills needed for listening, speaking, reading, and writing at an age-appropriate level. Students are also exposed to the countries and cultures in which the language studied is spoken. Level appropriate, authentic text and media will be utilized whenever possible. 

Checkpoint B (grades 9-10) - Emphasis is placed on the use of the target language in all forms (listening, speaking, reading and writing) with an extensive vocabulary and grammatical skills. Students will be further exposed to the countries and cultures in which the language studied is spoken. Appropriate, authentic text and media will be utilized whenever possible. 

Checkpoint C (grades 11-12) – Advanced reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are emphasized with authentic text and media are utilized frequently. Development and enhancement of previously acquired linguistic skills will be emphasized while college and career readiness are goals. Similar goals are set for the intermediate level, college course offered to seniors. 
New York State Seal of Biliteracy
Babylon High School is proud to offer the New York State Seal of Biliteracy. This distinction is awarded to seniors who have fulfilled the requirements set forth by NYS and BHS. They include rigorous coursework in English/English as a New Language and World Languages. We currently offer the NYSSB to students in Spanish and French and hope to expand to American Sign Language soon. Below are the requirements for the NYSSB for which students must score 3 points in each category (English & World Languages) Students wishing to apply for the NYSSB should do so during their senior year but having appropriately planned their coursework. It is strongly suggested that non-ELL students take AP English Language & Composition during junior year to qualify for the seal.


Criteria for Demonstrating
Proficiency in English
Completed Criteria for Demonstrating
Proficiency in a World Language




Score 75 or higher on the NYS Comprehensive English Regents Examination or 80 or higher on the NYS Regents Examination in English 
Language Arts (Common Core), 


ELLs can score 75 or above on two Regents exams other than English, without translation.

 1   Complete a Checkpoint C level World Language course, with a grade of 85 or higher or a comparable score using another 
scoring system set by the district and approved by the commissioner for both the coursework and final examination consistent with Checkpoint C standards. 
ELLs score at the Commanding level on two modalities on the NYS English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) 1  


For students enrolled in a bilingual 
education program, complete all required Home Language Arts (HLA) coursework and district HLA exam with an 85 or higher or a 
comparable score using another scoring system set by the district and approved by the commissioner.


Complete all 11th and 12th grade ELA courses with an average of 85 or higher or a comparable score using another scoring system set by the district and approved by the commissioner. 1  


Provide transcripts from a school in a foreign country showing at least three years of instruction in the student’s home/native language in Grade 8 or beyond, with equivalent grade average of B or higher. 




Achieve the following score on the 
examination listed below: 
- 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement (AP) English Language or English Literature examination.

1   Score at a proficient level on an accredited Checkpoint C World Language assessment.  1  

Present a culminating project, scholarly essay or portfolio that meets the criteria for speaking, listening, reading, and writing established by the district’s Seal of Biliteracy Committee to a panel of reviewers with proficiency in English. 
*Alternate option for students not 
enrolled in AP English PRIOR to 



Present a culminating project, scholarly essay, or portfolio that meets the criteria for speaking, listening, reading, and writing established by the district’s Seal of Biliteracy Committee and that is aligned to the NYS Checkpoint C Learning Standards to a panel of reviewers with proficiency in the target language.



World Languages Course Offerings

French 1A                                                    Grades 7-12
French 1B                                                    Grades 8-12                 1 Credit
French 2                                                      Grades 9-12                 1 Credit
French 3                                                      Grades 10-12               1 Credit
French 4                                                      Grades 11-12               1 Credit
French 5                                                      Grades 11-12               1 Credit
College French/Syracuse University                Grades 11-12               1 Credit

French 1A
Grades 7-12

French 1A is the beginning course in the study of the French language and culture. Emphasis is placed upon linguistic fundamentals and creating a strong foundation in all language modalities: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. *NCAA Approved 

French 1B
Grades 8-12, 1 Credit 
French 1B is the second half of the Checkpoint A study of the French language and culture. Students will continue to build a strong foundation for future language study while preparing for the Checkpoint A exam, which is cumulative and developed regionally. Upon successful completion of the exam and course, students will receive 1 H.S. credit for their study. *NCAA Approved 

French 2
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit

French 2 is the continuation and expansion of the study of French language and culture. Students will continue to enhance their skills in speaking, reading, writing, and listening while expanding their vocabulary and use of the language in level appropriate contexts. *NCAA Approved 

French 3
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit

French 3 offers students the opportunity to sharpen their linguistic skills and prepare for the Checkpoint B exam, which is a cumulative, regional exam offered in June. The successful completion of this course will allow eligible students to receive the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. This course is also a prerequisite for all other advanced French courses. *NCAA Approved 

French 4
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit
French 4 is an advanced course offered to juniors and seniors. Students completing their language sequence early may enroll in this course with teacher and director approval. The development of skills in speaking, reading, writing, and listening is refined in preparation for college and career. The use of the language in practical and academic situations is further developed, providing students with vocabulary and grammatical instruction that is meaningful. Culturally based lessons provide application of the linguistic skills acquired while emphasizing other areas of study, such as literature, history, art, theatre, film, music and more. Exposure to authentic cultural text and media whenever possible creates a connection between the language studied and the culture of the people that speak it. *NCAA Approved 

French 5
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit
This one-year course offers students who have successfully completed French 4 the opportunity to continue their study of French language and culture. This is a proficiency-based course that reviews the formal structures of the language, refines linguistic skills, and builds awareness of French culture through a variety of authentic literary and oral texts. Communicative skills are further developed through film, TV, radio, and other realia. French 5 will follow the standards developed by the New York State Education Department for Checkpoint C language study. *NCAA Approved 

College French
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit
4 College Credits – Syracuse University

This one-year course offers seniors who have successfully completed French 4 with an 85 or better or highly qualified juniors the opportunity to study college French and earn 4 college credits through Syracuse University’s Project Advance. French 201 is a proficiency-based course that reviews formal structures of language, refines previously acquired linguistic skills, and builds awareness of French culture. Authentic oral and literary texts are introduced as well. The course uses film, TV/radio, and literary texts to develop oral, listening, reading, and writing skills. Classes are conducted in French with clarification made on rare occasions in English. The course follows the curriculum established by the World Languages Department at Syracuse University. This provides our students the experience, expectations, and responsibilities of college-level work during their senior year. The cost for this course is to be paid by the student directly to Syracuse University (financial aid is available). Students enrolled in this course must take it for college credit. Students must maintain an average of 80% or better to remain in the course. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisites: Three years of high school French with an average of 85% or higher, recommendation by high school French teacher, director approval, and mandatory summer assignment. 

Spanish 1A                                                  Grades 7-12
Spanish 1B                                                  Grades 8-12                  1 Credit
Spanish 1                                                    Grades 9-12                  1 Credit
Spanish 2                                                    Grades 9-12                  1 Credit
Spanish 3                                                    Grades 10-12                1 Credit
Spanish 4                                                    Grades 11-12                1 Credit
Spanish 5                                                    Grades 11-12                1 Credit

College Spanish/Syracuse University              Grades 11-12                1 Credit

Spanish 1A
Grades 7-12
Spanish 1A is the beginning course in the study of the Spanish language and culture. Emphasis is placed upon linguistic fundamentals and creating a strong foundation in all language modalities: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. *NCAA Approved 

Spanish 1B
Grades 8-12, 1 Credit

Spanish 1B is the second half of the Checkpoint A study of the Spanish language and culture. Students will continue to build a strong foundation for future language study while preparing for the Checkpoint A exam, which is cumulative and developed regionally. Upon successful completion of the exam and course, students will receive 1 H.S. credit for their study. *NCAA Approved  

Spanish 1
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit

Spanish 1 is the first year of Spanish study for students in grades 9-12 who are beginning their study as a high school student. This course will cover the themes indicated in the Checkpoint A criteria set forth by the NYS Education Department, along with grammar points required to be able to read, write, speak, and listen closely in the target language. 

Spanish 2
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit

Spanish 2 is the continuation and expansion of the study of Spanish language and culture. Students will continue to enhance their skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening while expanding their vocabulary and use of the language in level appropriate contexts.  *NCAA Approved 

Spanish 3
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit
Spanish 3 offers students the opportunity to sharpen their linguistic skills and prepare for the Checkpoint B exam, which is a cumulative, regional exam offered in June. The successful completion of this course will allow eligible students to receive the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. This course is also a prerequisite for all other advanced Spanish courses.  *NCAA Approved 

Spanish 4
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit
Spanish 4 is an advanced course offered to juniors and seniors. Students completing their language sequence early may enroll in this course with teacher and director approval. The development of skills in speaking, reading, writing, and listening is refined in preparation for college and career. The use of the language in practical and academic situations is further developed, providing students with vocabulary and grammatical instruction that is meaningful. Culturally based lessons provide application of the linguistic skills acquired while emphasizing other areas of study, such as literature, history, art, theatre, film, music and more. Exposure to authentic cultural text and media whenever possible creates a connection between the language studied and the culture of the people that speak it. *NCAA Approved 

Spanish 5
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit

This one-year course offers students who have successfully completed Spanish 4 the opportunity to continue their study of the Spanish language and culture. This is a proficiency-based course that reviews the formal structures of the language, refines linguistic skills, and builds awareness of Hispanic culture through a variety of authentic literary and oral texts. Communicative skills are further developed through film, TV, radio, and other realia. Spanish 5 will follow the standards developed by the New York State Education Department for Checkpoint C language study.  *NCAA Approved 

College Spanish
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit

4 College Credits – Syracuse University 

This one-year course offers seniors who have successfully completed Spanish 4 with an 85 or better or highly qualified juniors the opportunity to study college Spanish and earn 4 college credits through Syracuse University’s Project Advance. Spanish 201 is a proficiency-based course that reviews formal structures of language, refines previously acquired linguistic skills, and builds awareness of Spanish culture. Authentic oral and literary texts are introduced as well. This course uses film, TV, radio, and literary texts to develop oral, listening, reading and writing skills. Classes will be conducted in Spanish with clarification made in English on rare occasions. The course follows the curriculum established by the World Languages Department at Syracuse University. This provides our students the experience, expectations, and responsibilities of college-level work during their senior year. The cost for this course is approximately $115 per credit, to be paid by the student directly to Syracuse University (financial aid is available). Students enrolled in this course must take it for college credit. Students must maintain an average of 80 or better to remain in the course.  *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisites: Three years of high school Spanish with an average of 85 or higher, recommendation by high school Spanish teacher, director approval, and mandatory summer assignment. 


American Sign Language Core Program:


Introduction to ASL-    grades 9-12     1 credit

ASL 2-                          grades 9-12     1 credit

ASL 3-                          grades 9-12     1 credit

ASL 4-                          grades 9-12     1 credit


Introduction to American Sign Language
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit

This introductory course is designed to provide the basic signs needed to assist people with a hearing disability, and to communicate simple ideas and feelings through signing. Students are also introduced to the culture of the hearing impaired and the difficulties that they face and overcome daily. Guest speakers and field trips are arranged whenever possible to enhance the curriculum.  *NCAA Approved 

American Sign Language 2
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit

This course is offered as a sequence to Introduction to American Sign Language. It continues and expands the vocabulary, culture, and skills developed in Introduction to Sign Language. As in the introductory course, the emphasis is on developing an understanding for the deaf culture, and the ability to communicate with the hearing impaired.  *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Introduction to Sign Language 

American Sign Language 3
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit

Sign Language 3 is the final course of a three-year sequence in American Sign Language. Students successfully completing this sequence and the Checkpoint B Exam show a high level of motivation and diligence which provides them with a great benefit when applying to colleges and universities.  *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Sign Language 2 

American Sign Language 4
Grade 12, 1 Credit
American Sign Language 4 (ASL 4) offers students the opportunity to explore the arts, literature, and history of the Deaf Community and use the language for in-depth discussions and conversation. 

Prerequisite: Sign Language 3