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Junior Year To-Do List

Start researching schools by the Winter of Junior year- the earlier the better! 

_____Attend college fairs in person or virtually. Check the Counseling Center website and high school announcements for details.
_____Research colleges and plan college visitations. Do not wait until the fall of senior year to begin this process.
_____Register with Naviance.

_____Log into your Naviance account and use it to research majors, careers and colleges.

_____Add prospective colleges to the “Colleges I’m Interested In” List.

_____Make sure you have safe, target, and reach schools among the colleges you are researching and applying to. 


Plan out standardized testing – Winter-Spring of Junior year
Plan out when you will be taking the SATs, and/or ACT exams. The most appropriate time for most juniors to start testing is March through June.
_____Register early for exams to ensure you get a seat at your preferred testing center.

_____Plan to take at least one SAT and/or one ACT this year.
_____Begin test preparation 8 to 10 weeks before each exam. Free online courses are available for the Digital
SATs through Khan Academy. Other preperation options can be found under Standardized Testing Information in the Counseling Center section of our website. 


Start planning ahead: Recommendation forms and essay (Spring of Junior year)

_____Complete Activities Sheet
_____ Ask 2 core academic teachers from junior year to write a letter of recommendation for you.

_____Teacher 1:__________________________________

_____Teacher 2:__________________________________

_____Complete the Babylon Request for Teacher Recommendation for College Application form for each teacher.

_____Hand each teacher the completed form and an activities worksheet, in the spring of junior year but no later than September 15th of senior year. The earlier the better! 

_____Teacher 1:__________________________________

_____Teacher 2:__________________________________


Summer between Junior and Senior year
____Continue to research and visit colleges. Narrow down your list.
____Create accounts for the online applications that you will be using. The Common Application is available online at any time. Accounts can be rolled over from year to year. Do not create your actual application until it opens officially for the coming year, which usually opens on August 1, the summer before Senior Year. 
____Begin to brainstorm and write drafts of essays.
____If you are a student athlete planning on playing a sport in college, fill out the NCAA Clearinghouse eligibility forms online and bring in the required transcript release forms to your counselor in the fall.
_____Check Naviance for in school college representative visits.
_____Complete the forms for your counselor recommendation letter

Babylon Forms- to be submitted to your counselor by SEPTEMBER 15TH of Senior Year:
_____Student Brag Sheet
_____Parent Brag Sheet
_____Activities Sheet

All year
_______ Visit your counselor often and let us help you!