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Library Media Center

The Library Media Center serves the Babylon Junior Senior High School learning community and participates  cooperatively with the district’s elementary and intermediate schools. The mission of the Library Media Center is to provide students, staff and parents with the information technology literacy tools necessary to meet the demands of 21st Century learning and teaching. The main local objective of the Library Media Center’s programming is to provide information technology resources and instruction in alignment with the curriculum goals established for students in grades seven through twelve. Integration of the Library Media Center’s resources with content instruction is the main standard of support and service. 

The LMC has seating for approximately 70 students. Print resources available for use and loan include over 16,000 books, a variety of academically relevant periodicals and two daily newspapers. Non-print resources, such as audiobooks, eBooks and visual materials are also available. Digital information for research support is available through the VRC (Virtual Reference Collection) which is a group of subscription databases providing digitized news articles, academic journal articles, video, podcasts, online reference materials and international newspapers. Both the VRC and the LMC e-Catalog are available 24/7 to students, staff and parents from any computer with internet access. A great many of these databases are searchable in languages other than English in support of the diverse needs of our learning community. Books and other materials circulate to students for a two-week period and may be renewed, subject to demand. Orientation to the library is given to all entering students. Continuing instruction in the use of library materials and/or special reference skills, such as searching strategies, evaluation of websites, citing sources, and using databases for research, is given to all students through individual guidance and in conjunction with collaborative content instruction. 

Eight computers are available for class assignments and research using the school network to access the internet, search our resources and use other information technology tools. The Library Media Specialist creates support materials such as pathfinders, online assignments, how to videos, and WebQuests in support of classroom instruction and student research. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from the Library Media Specialist at any appropriate opportunity and may arrange for individual information technology instruction as needed.