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Curriculum & Instruction

This section of the website is to assist you in making appropriate choices by providing brief program and course descriptions, prerequisites, and other information related to the course selection process.

As you move through the scheduling process, please use this time wisely to work in partnership with the school staff to ensure your success. Plan your academic program to move you toward the future you want for yourself. Good luck with your course selections!


  • Read through the curriculum options carefully.
  • In addition to grade level presentations, students will meet with their counselor to help plan their schedule, review graduation requirements, and discuss future-plans and goals. 
  • Students and parents should review this curriculum guide section of the website and discuss course selections as well as electives. They should consider the recommendations of their present classroom teachers, seek the advice of their counselors, and obtain approval from their parents.
  • Students will be asked to list their electives in order of their preference; however, we cannot guarantee that students will be able to enroll in their elective choices. Elective courses will become part of the masterschedule course offerings only when the minimum enrollment is met. The scheduling of required courses always takes precedence over electives. 
  • Teachers of academic courses will recommend the next grade level course placement.
  • Course requests will be tabulated, and students will be informed of the courses that do not run due to insufficient enrollment. If a course cannot be offered, students will be enrolled in one of their alternate selections. 
  • Not all classes will run every year based upon enrollment and other factors. Be sure to check with your counselor on your plans. 
  • All students are expected to choose courses carefully during the course selection process. Schedules are planned according to student requests and course availability. Students are expected to abide by their choice.


Course Selection and Schedule Change Procedures:

It is important for students and families to understand that course requests have a major impact on teacher scheduling; student sectioning; and budgeting for books, supplies, and teaching staff needed to deliver the curricular program. So that we can effectively plan to meet the needs of students, the last day of classes will be the deadline for making changes in courses selected for the school year. After this date, only schedule changes deemed necessary by the school will be made. Every effort will be made to honor student course requests. However, in the event of insufficient enrollment, staffing, or facility limitations, the administration reserves the right to cancel or limit the enrollment for courses publicized in the curriculum guide. It is expected that any student enrolling in a course will remain for its duration. 

Add/Drop Policy:

If the Principal determines that circumstances warrant a student dropping a course, the following will apply: For a course dropped during the first five weeks of school, no notation will appear on the student transcript. For a course dropped after week 5, a withdrawn passing (W/P) or a withdrawn failing (W/F) will appear on the student transcript.