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Vocational Education

Career and Technical Education  – Lewis A. Wilson Technological Center

Wilson Tech: - Students in grades 11 and 12 can start a career while still in high school by choosing one of the 40 programs Wilson Tech offers for high school students. Programs provide a foundation for success in the workplace and for post-secondary education. Students who are interested in attending a Career and Technical Education program should notify their counselor by February of 10th grade. A school trip to Wilson Tech is scheduled every year and students are encouraged to attend. Locations of Wilson Tech programs vary according to the area of study each student pursues.


Construction Occupations
Architectural Design (CAD)
Construction Electricity
Heat/Vent/Air Cond/Plumbing (HVAC)


Graphics and Media Occupations
Advertising/Graphic Design
Audio Production
Professional Photography
Digital Film & Video Production


Health Occupations
Medical Assisting
Medical Laboratory 
Nurse Assisting
Physical Therapy Aide


Service Occupations
Certified Personal Trainer
Business & Hospitality Mgmt. 
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Fashion Merchandising/Design
Criminal Justice
Veterinary Assisting


Technical Occupations
Computer Game Design
Electronics/Robotics/Computer Repair


Transportation Occupations
Aircraft/Drone Technology
Auto Body Repair 
Auto Technology
Aviation Science/Flight


Applications are available at the Counseling Center for students in the eleventh and twelfth grades. Selection to 
occupational programs is based on the following: Availability of openings in occupational clusters, attendance record, scholastic record, discipline record. Students accepted to the Tech program report to Babylon High School for three courses plus physical education, and they attend a Wilson Tech Center during either the morning or afternoon. Students going to Tech do not have a choice in selecting the session (morning or afternoon) of attendance.

Attendance and Occupational Credit Policy
We must insist on daily attendance from all students accepted into these programs unless there is serious reason for an absence. Any Tech student with a poor attendance record, without sufficient cause, will be removed from the program. Good attendance, coupled with a passing average, will result in full credits being awarded by the local school district for successful completion of each Wilson Tech program. Conversely, absences that are considered excessive, more than 18,will result in a loss of credit, despite a passing grade. 

Awarding of Occupational Education Certificates of Completion
Wilson Tech students can earn a career and technical education (CTE) endorsement on their high school diplomas when they successfully complete a Tech program and pass a nationally recognized certification exam in their chosen field. Each of Tech’s 40 programs has been approved by the State Education Department for this CTE endorsement. Additional requirements: be eligible for a Regents Diploma, complete a two-year program, and have less than 36 absences over a two-year period.