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The Department of Mathematics structures its curriculum and instruction to provide students with the arithmetic, algebraic, analytic, and thinking skills necessary to meet the high technology demands of today’s society. Our course sequencing is a de-tracked, “Regents only” program that is in full compliance with the newly restructured State Regents curriculum. Students of all levels of skill and ability have several options for meeting their math Regents graduation requirement as well as pursuing an Advanced Regents Diploma. This is consistent with the raised achievement expectations and higher standards of New York’s state assessments. To this end, the following are the program standards that drive all mathematics instruction at Babylon Junior-Senior High School.

  • Students understand mathematical concepts, symbols and procedures and apply them to real world situations.
  • Students are proficient in mental computations and estimation skills as well as the use and applications of calculators and computers. 
  • Students develop problem solving skills that are the product of logical and critical thinking.
  • Students acquire organizational, study and responsibility skills. 
  • Students confidently express ideas using appropriate mathematical terms (both oral and written) while recognizing and appreciating differing points of view, strategies, and alternative solutions.
  • Students observe the interrelationship among academic disciplines.
  • Students persevere and persist in striving for quality in learning and that this will remain a lifelong pursuit.

Accelerated Mathematics Program

Students are selected for the Accelerated Mathematics program starting at the end of grade 6. The selection criteria include (but are not limited to): 6th grade academic performance, performance on a skills survey assessment and teacher recommendation. All these components are included in a comprehensive placement rubric. As a final step, the Principal and Director of Mathematics review the final list of candidates.

The Accelerated Mathematics program is a rigorous, challenging, and demanding course of study that is best suited for those who meet all the entry criteria. Students in the Accelerated Mathematics program must maintain an 85 academic average to remain in the program. 

Students not enrolled in the Accelerated Mathematics program may become eligible after 7th grade by showing outstanding achievement as indicated by a final June average of 95% in their present math class. They then must complete a preparatory work packet, take an appropriate final exam at the end of the summer, achieve at least a 75% on this exam, and take two years of math concurrently to make up for a missed year. Please note that 7th grade students do not need to take two years of math concurrently but must meet all the other requirements.

Mathematics Course Offerings

Math 7
Grade 7

Math 7 is about developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and drawing inferences about populations. Calculator use helps develop, rather than replace, computational skills. Basic geometric concepts are introduced and intertwined with arithmetic. Probability and statistics are studied to provide real world applications for topics previously covered. Students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of math through applications. Introductory equation solving is also emphasized. Students will be prepared for the state assessment administered each year and will be exposed to the format and content of these questions throughout the year.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Grade 6.

Accelerated Math 7X
Grade 7
This course will prepare the student for the accelerated Regents program that begins in 8th grade. Students in  Accelerated Math 7X will combine the contents of Math 7 and Math 8. Topics are presented with a pre-algebra focus. The content to be covered includes real numbers, logic, transformational geometry, probability and statistics, algebraic solutions to linear (first degree) equations, and open-ended problems requiring critical thinking. This material is in addition to regular junior high math topics of fractions, decimals, percent, integers, and properties of rational numbers. In addition, students will be prepared for the state assessment administered each year and will be exposed to the format and content of these questions throughout the year. Students are expected to achieve a minimum average of 85 to remain in the course. If a student’s average drops below an 85, a conference may be held to discuss the student’s status in the program.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of grade 6 and selection based upon a comprehensive placement rubric.

Math 8
Grade 8 

Math 8 is about formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; analyzing two-and three dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. Emphasis on practical applied problems, attention to academic vocabulary, and the reading of mathematical statements for solving verbal problems, provide a firm foundation for the Regents curriculum. Students will be prepared for the state assessment administered each year and will be exposed to the format and content of these questions throughout the year.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 7.

Accelerated Math 8X – Algebra 1
Grade 8, 1 Credit

This course begins the accelerated sequence of the state Regents curriculum: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The topics of study deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students are expected to achieve a minimum average of 85% to remain in the course. If a student’s average drops below an 85%, a conference may be held to discuss the student’s status in the program. Students will take the Algebra 1 Regents exam in June. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Minimum June final grade of 85% in accelerated Math 7X

Foundations of Algebra:  ( to replace Intro to Algebra 1 )

Grade 9-11, 1 credit


The Foundations of Algebra is a one-year preparatory course for students who need additional numeric and algebraic skill development prior to enrolling in Algebra 1. Numerical, graphical, and algebraic approaches are represented throughout the course as well as applications. Topics covered include Signed numbers, Simplifying Expressions, Polynomial Operations, Linear Equations and Inequalities, Factoring, Quadratics, Graphing and solving related real world problems.  This course is designed to give students the skills and strategies to solve all kinds of mathematical problems.  Students will acquire the confidence needed for future higher level math courses.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 8


Algebra 1
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit

This course begins the sequence of the state Regents curriculum: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The topics of study deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students will take the Algebra 1 Regents exam in June. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Minimum June final grade of 75% in Math 8 or successful completion of Intro to Algebra 1.

Accelerated Math 9X - Geometry
Grade 9, 1 Credit 

This course continues the Regents curriculum for our accelerated students. Students taking this course will be prepared for the material in Geometry as outlined by New York State, but in greater depth than the standard Regents program. Students will receive instruction pertaining to Euclidean proof as well as proofs involving coordinate geometry. A rigorous study of postulates, theorems and formal definitions will be fundamental to this course. Constructions will be infused throughout the curriculum to enhance understanding. Students will work to understand one, two, and three-dimensional objects. Students will also receive ongoing use of algebraic principles as it applies to geometry. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students are expected to achieve a minimum average of 85% to remain in this course. If a student’s average drops below 85%, a conference may be held to discuss the student’s placement in the program. Students will take the Geometry Regents exam in June. 

Prerequisite: Minimum June final grade of 85% in Accelerated Math 8X - Algebra 1, minimum grade of 75% on 
Algebra 1 Regents exam. *NCAA Approved 

Integrated Geometry
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit 

This is a full-year course designed for students who have completed Algebra 1. The course will integrate the definitions of Euclidean Geometry in an applied setting. Students will explore these concepts utilizing numeric and algebraic reasoning. Concepts in Analytic Geometry will build on the themes developed in Algebra 1. Proofs in the coordinate plane will present a formal level of mathematical argument using definitions and theorems. The concepts studied in this course are designed to prepare students to take the Geometry Regents examination and meet part of the NY state graduation requirement. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1. *NCAA Approved 

Grades 10-12, 1 Credit

This course continues the Regents curriculum for our students. Students taking this course will be prepared for the material in Geometry as outlined by New York State. Students will receive instruction pertaining to Euclidean proof as well as proofs involving coordinate geometry. A rigorous study of postulates, theorems and formal definitions will be fundamental to this course. Constructions will be infused throughout the curriculum to enhance understanding. Students will work to understand one, two, and three-dimensional objects. Students will also receive ongoing use of algebraic principles as it applies to geometry. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students will take the Geometry Regents exam in June. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Minimum final grade of 75% in Algebra 1, minimum grade of 65% on Algebra 1 Regents exam.

Integrated Algebra 2
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit 

This course will be in place for students who are looking to pursue and refine high level mathematical concepts that are practical. Algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric skills will be further developed and applied. Topics will include the use of exponents and logarithms, right triangle trigonometry, algebraic modeling using polynomials, as well as analytic geometry. Students will learn to apply mathematics to solve various problems that are integrated into today’s world and to incorporate the graphing calculator as part of their analysis. 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry or Integrated Geometry *NCAA Approved 

Accelerated Math 10X-Algebra 2
Grade 10, 1 Credit
This is the final course in the Regents curriculum for our accelerated students. Students taking this course will be prepared for the material in Algebra 2 as outlined by New York State, but in greater depth than the standard Regents program. Students completing this sequence may qualify for the Advanced Regents Diploma. The class will develop higher-level algebraic skills and apply them to a variety of scientific, economic, and everyday situations. Exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and statistical functions are explored. The quadratic formula, higher-level factoring techniques, working with polynomials and rational expressions are a major component of study. In addition, topics in coordinate geometry will allow for the integration of analytical and geometric representations. Topics in measurement and data analysis will round out the curriculum. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students are expected to achieve a minimum average of 85% to remain in the course. If a student’s average drops below an 85%, a conference may be held to discuss the student’s status in the program. Students will take the Algebra 2 Regents exam in June. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Minimum June final grade of 85% in Math 9X-Geometry, minimum grade of 75% on Geometry Regents exam. 

Algebra 2
Grade 10-12, 1 Credit

This is the last course in the New York State Regents curriculum and the standards presented in this rigorous course will be addressed. Students completing this sequence may qualify for the Advanced Regents Diploma. The class will develop higher-level algebraic skills and apply them to a variety of scientific, economic, and everyday situations. Exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and statistical functions are explored. The quadratic formula, higher-level factoring techniques, working with polynomials and rational expressions are a major component of study. In addition, topics in coordinate geometry will allow for the integration of analytical and geometric representations. Topics in measurement and data analysis will round out the curriculum. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students will take the Algebra 2 Regents exam in June. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Minimum June final grade of 75% in Geometry, minimum grade of 65% on Geometry Regents exam. 

Algebra for College
Grade 11-12, 1 Credit

This course is designed to prepare students for a college Pre-Calculus course. Topics include the study of functions and their graphs. Students will find real roots algebraically and through methods of approximations. Instruction will be supported by use of the Texas Instruments TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students are urged to purchase the TI 84+ for this course. Students will become proficient in using the calculator as a computational and problem-solving tool. This will have ongoing benefit when they enter college. Logarithmic and exponential functions, the study of matrices, sequences and probability and their applications will also be covered. 

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Algebra 2, minimum grade of 65% on Algebra 2 Regents exam. 

College Precalculus
Grade 11-12, 1 Credit 
4 College Credits–SUNY Farmingdale 

This course is taught through Farmingdale’s “University in the High School” program. In this course, the topics introduced in the Algebra 2 or College Algebra course will be extended. The course will provide a comprehensive study of functions, which are the basis of calculus and other higher-level mathematics courses. The students will study the properties, graphs, and some applications of polynomial, rational, inverse, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.*NCAA Approved 

University in the High School Prerequisite Guide
NYS Algebra 2/Trig Regents Score of >70*
*If NYS Regents grade not available, a final grade of 85 or higher in the Algebra 2/Trig course may be submitted. 

College Calculus 1 with Applications
Grade 12, 1 Credit 

4 College Credits–SUNY Farmingdale 

This course is taught through Farmingdale’s “University in the High School” program. This is a calculus course for those NOT majoring in mathematics, engineering science, or computer science. Topics include the derivative, differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of the derivative and introduction to the definite integral. Applications are taken from technology, science, and business. Problem solving is stressed. *NCAA Approved 

University in the High School Prerequisite Guide
Precalculus (high school grade >70) or MTH 129 Precalculus or AP Precalculus

Advanced Placement Precalculus
Grade 11- 12, 1 Credit 

In AP Precalculus, students will explore everyday situations using mathematical tools and lenses. Through regular practice, students build deep mastery of modeling and functions, and they examine scenarios through multiple representations. A comprehensive study of Polynomial, Rational, Exponential, Logarithmic, Trigonometric, and Polar functions will be undertaken that will prepare students for other higher-level mathematics and science courses. Students will study each function type through their graphical, numerical, verbal, and analytical representations and their applications in a variety of contexts. Graphing calculators will be a significant component of the course. Students are encouraged to acquire the Texas Instruments TI-84+ graphing calculator. This course is required for placement in AP Calculus. Students are expected to achieve a minimum average of 85% to remain in the course. If a student’s average drops below an 85%, a conference may be held to discuss the student’s status in the program. AP courses offer students an opportunity to take a course taught on a college level. Both enrichment and college credit are available to the dedicated student. Intensive classroom work, independent study, and research are an integral part of the classroom. Students must take the AP exam to receive weighted course credit: If a student doesn’t take the exam, it’s not possible to tell if he/she learned the content one would expect of an AP course. Requiring a student to take the exam ensures that the grade in the class is aligned with the student’s mastery of the course content knowledge. Students are expected to pay the associated College Board fee for the exam. 

Prerequisite: Minimum June final grade of 85% in Accelerated Math 10X-Algebra 2, minimum grade of 80% on Algebra 2 Regents exam OR minimum June final grade of 85% in Algebra 2 with a minimum grade of 80% on the Algebra 2 Regents exam. 

Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit 
This course offers a unique approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation. Students will utilize the programing language Python to develop computational proficiency that is relevant to today’s technical society. The course will introduce students to the creative aspects if programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the internet, cybersecurity, and computing impacts. Students in this course will have the opportunity to use current technologies to create computational artifacts for both self-expression and problem solving. The rigorous and rich curriculum aims to broaden participation in computer science and encourage students to consider a career path in computer science. This course can be a student’s first course in computer science; although, we encourage students without prior Computer Science Research to help them develop the programming expertise in Python. AP Courses offer students an opportunity to take a course taught on a college level. Both enrichment and college credit are available to the dedicated student. Intensive classroom work, independent study and research are an integral part of the classroom. Students must take the AP exam to receive weighted course credit: If a student doesn’t take the exam, it’s not possible to tell if he/she learned the content one would expect of an AP course. Requiring a student to take the exam ensures that the grade in the class is aligned with the student’s mastery of the course content knowledge. Students are expected to pay the associated College Board for fee for the exam.

Prerequisite: Algebra 2 or department approval.

Advanced Placement Calculus – AB
Grade 12, 1 Credit
The subject matter of this course is designed to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Exam in Calculus AB). After further development of algebraic techniques, the study of functions, limits and continuity introduces the student to the foundations of the calculus. The derivative—the cornerstone of differential calculus—is defined as a limit. Techniques of differentiation and their applications are pursued. The anti-derivative and the definite integral lead to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, area under a curve, differential equations, slope fields and applications. The exponential and logarithmic functions and techniques of integration will also be covered. Students will work on “labs” which investigate real world applications of calculus. In keeping with the Advanced Placement curriculum, the graphing calculator will be a vital component of the course. All students should acquire the Texas Instruments TI-84+ graphing calculator. Homework assignments, tests, and the AP exam itself will require its use. Students are expected to achieve a minimum average of 85% to remain in the course. If a student’s average drops below an 85%, a conference may be held to discuss the student’s status in the program. AP Courses offer students an opportunity to take a course taught on a college level. Both enrichment and college credit are available to the dedicated student. Intensive classroom work, independent study and research are an integral part of the classroom. Students must take the AP exam to receive weighted course credit: If a student doesn’t take the exam, it’s not possible to tell if he/she learned the content one would expect of an AP course. Requiring a student to take the exam ensures that the grade in the class is aligned with the student’s mastery of the course content knowledge. Students are expected to pay the associated College Board for fee for the exam. *NCAA Approved  

Prerequisite: Minimum June final grade of 85% in AP Precalculus or Math 11X.