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Rebecca Olivieri

Course Syllabus

  • Your quarterly grade is the average of FOUR components: 

    Tests & Speaking Tasks 30% Quizzes & Writing 30%  

    Homework & Classwork 20% Participation 20% 


    1. We will have quizzes generally once every 1-2 weeks. They will range between 10 and 30 points. 

    1. You will have 1 or 2 full period exams per marking quarter (50-100 points). 

    1. The format of quizzes and tests may vary. They may be writing assessments, multiple choice, fill in the blank, speaking tasks, etc. 

    1. This course includes comprehensive, midterm, and final exams. 


    1. Be on time, ready to participate. Class begins at the bell. 

    1. Be prepared. Have your charged device and paper notebook in class every day. 

    1. Expectations are the same for in school and virtual periods. 


    1. Please use a binder, or a notebook plus a folder, to every class. You will periodically receive handouts. 

    1. You will not receive a hardcover textbook; instead, you will use the digital textbook available at vhlcentralPlease bring your charged and updated devices to class every day. 


    1. Please pay attention to your grades in eSchool! You must make up assessments promptly or you will receive a grade of zero. 

    1. Homework and classwork assignments are worth 10-25 points. Some homework assignments are worth more than others. Participation grades are based on 100 points. 



    1. Please use a binder, or a notebook plus a folder, for this class. You will regularly receive handouts.
    2. You will not receive a hardcover textbook this year; we will use the virtual textbook at vhlcentral like we did in Spanish 2. Please bring your charged and updated devices to class every day.
    3. Once you receive your Checkpoint B review packet in the spring, please bring it to class every day.


    Tuesdays from 7:00-7:40 AM in Room 312. Y


    1. We will have quizzes generally once every 1-2 weeks. They will range between 10 and 30 points.
    2. You will have 1 or 2 full period exams per marking quarter (50-100 points).
    3. The format of quizzes and tests may vary. They may be writing assessments, multiple choice, fill in the blank, speaking tasks, etc.
    4. This course includes comprehensive unit, midterm, and final exams. The final exam in June is the equivalent of a state Regents exam.


    1. Be on time, ready to participate. Class begins at the bell.
    2. Be prepared. Have your charged device and paper notebook in class every day.
    3. Expectations are the same for in school and virtual periods.


    1. Please pay attention to your grades in eSchool! You must make up assessments promptly or you will receive a grade of zero.
    2. Homework assignments are worth 10-25 points. Some homework assignments are worth more than others. Participation grades are based on 100 points. Your participation grade is based on a rubric that includes the information in What happens in a TPRS Classroom? on the next page. I also grade your participation on a weekly basis.
    3. Your quarterly grade is the average of FOUR components:

    Tests & Speaking Tasks 30%                      Quizzes & Writing 30%                  

    Homework & Classwork 20%                     Participation 20%


    1.) Please use a binder, or a notebook plus a folder, for this class. You will regularly receive handouts.

    2.) Bring at least two different colored highlighters to class along with pens or pencils (your preference).

    3.) Your device should be charged and updated, ready to use in class.

    4.) When we read class novels, you will be provided with the book. You are expected to maintain proper care of it and return it to the novels bin at the end of each period. You may not take the book home with you unless you and I have made prior arrangements.

    EXTRA HELP Tuesdays from 7-7:40 AM in Room 312. You may also email me at to arrange an appointment outside of the scheduled time.


    1.) We will have quizzes generally once every 1-2 weeks. They will range between 10 and 30 points.

    2.) You will have 1 or 2 full period exams per marking quarter (50-100 points).

    3.) The format of quizzes and tests may vary. They may be writing assessments, multiple choice, fill in the blank, speaking tasks, etc.

    4.) This course includes comprehensive unit, midterm, and final exams.


    1.) Be on time, ready to participate. Class begins at the bell.

    2.) Be prepared. Have your charged device and materials with you in class every day.

    3.) Expectations are the same for in school and virtual periods.


    1.) Please pay attention to your grades in eSchool! You must make up assessments promptly or you will receive a grade of zero.

    2.) Homework assignments are worth 10-25 points. Some homework assignments are worth more than others. Participation grades are based on 100 points. Your participation grade is based on a rubric that includes the information in What happens in a TPRS Classroom? on the other side. I also grade your participation on a weekly basis.

    3.) Your quarterly grade is the average of FOUR components:

    Tests & Speaking Tasks 30% Quizzes & Writing 30%

    Homework & Classwork 20% Participation 20%