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Kyle Cropsey

Course Syllabus

  • Course Description:  This course aims to prepare students for their path towards a successful and fulfilling life after Babylon. Our primary focus will be on strengthening students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in English. We will also focus on goal orientating, mindfulness, being a member of a community, and becoming free-thinking global citizens.

    Mindfulness: This year, we will be focusing on mindfulness in our classroom and in our personal lives.

    • What does it mean to be mindful? Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
    • How are we going to practice this? We will perform daily relaxation/mindfulness strategies before class starts. We will also read various books/articles about what it means to be mindful and hold class discussions/writing circles about how mindfulness has impacted our lives.  

    Required Materials:

    • A marble notebook (provided)
    • Your agenda.
    • Your charged 1:1 device

    Grading Policy: All grades will fall into one of the following four categories:

    • 20%        Classwork/Homework:     
    • 30%        Quizzes/Essays/Journal:   
    • 30%        Projects/Presentations/Speaking
    • 20%        Participation

    Portfolio: This year, you will be maintaining a writing journal. The course itself will focus a lot on writing. In today’s world, it is important to keep a digital portfolio. In addition to your digital portfolio, we will be keeping a physical portfolio in the classroom. Each quarter, you will be required to include a minimum of five writing assignments. You will be given a quarterly grade based on your portfolio, so it is your responsibility to maintain this throughout the year.

    School Involvement: It is understood that many students work after school. However, (work, family, and religious observance permitting) students are asked to become involved in at least two (2) school events each quarter. This includes but is not limited to: attending a school sporting event, joining a team or club, attending a play or concert, or volunteering for an event. Students will be asked to keep a log of the events they attend and be ready to elaborate on the events they attended.

    Extra Help Policy: Extra help is offered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

    Absence Policy: Any missed work due to a legal absence is to be made up within two days of a student’s return. The student is required to attend the next available Extra Help session to clarify expectations. If this presents a conflict, the student must communicate this with the teacher and together they will work up accommodation.

    Lateness: It is understood that our classroom has moved to the 3rd floor this year. This will be an adjustment for everyone, including myself. Students are still expected to arrive on time every day. If there is a problem, such as coming from a part of the building that is far away, you can speak to me individually. If lateness becomes habitual, it will have an impact on your Classwork section of your grade.

    Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones are not permitted during class time unless prior permission is given. Use of a cell phone storage area will be implemented if cell phones become a distraction during instructional time.