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Melissa Anderson


  • French 1A

                                                                                                                    Room 314

    Extra Help:                                                                                        Tuesdays @ 7h10

                                                                                                                    By appointment

    Supplies:                                                                                           binder with paper


                                                                                                                    Laptop and charger

    Classroom procedures:                                                           No cell phones permitted at any time

                                                                                                                    HW Monday through Thursday

    Weekly calendars outlining dates for quizzes and tests as well as HW assignments

    Grading Policy:                                                                              20% Participation – assessed on a weekly basis; based on preparation for class; classroom behavior; respect for school rules

    20% HW / CW / Online assignments – HW will be checked daily; online assignments may be given as HW or CW; late assignments may be accepted with a penalty.

    30% Quizzes and writing assessments -quizzes are announced; all writing assignments are completed in class; quiz corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    30% Tests / Projects – one week notice given for all tests; all projects completed in class; test corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    Textbook:                                                                  vhlcentral

    D’Accord 1– students will have a sign-in and access code.

    Topics to be covered:                                  Unité 1 – Salut

    Leçon 1A – Présentations (nouns / numbers / descriptions / la bise)

    Leçon 1B – En classe (school setting / descriptions)

    Unité 2 – Au Lycée!

    Leçon 2A – Les cours (classes / descriptions / typical school day/ daily activities / asking questions)

    Leçon 2B – Une semaine au lycée (expressing likes and dislikes / asking and answering questions / telling time)

    Unité 3 – La Famille et Les Copains

    Leçon 3A – La famille de Marie Laval (family members / house and home / relationships)

    Leçon 3B – Comment sont-ils (descriptions / numbers / house and home)

    Unité 4 – Au café

    Leçon 4A – Oú allons – nous ? (places in town / shopping routines / providing information)

    Leçon 4B – J’ai faim (expressing likes and dislikes / daily activities)


    Important Information: Mrs Melissa Anderson

    Room 314

    Extra Help: Tuesdays @ 7h10

    By appointment

    Supplies: binder with paper


    Laptop and charger

    Classroom procedures: No cell phones permitted at any time

    HW Monday through Thursday

    Weekly calendars outlining dates for quizzes and tests as well as HW assignments

    Grading Policy: 20% Participation – assessed on a weekly basis; based on preparation for class; classroom behavior; respect for school rules

    20% HW / CW / Online assignments – HW will be checked daily; online assignments may be given as HW or CW; late assignments may be accepted with a penalty.

    30% Quizzes and writing assessments -quizzes are announced; all writing assignments are completed in class; quiz corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    30% Tests / Projects – one week notice given for all tests; all projects completed in class; test corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    Final Exam : Checkpoint A exam administered in late June during Regents Week


    D’Accord 1– students will have a sign-in and access code.

    Topics to be covered: Unité 5 – Les Loisirs

    Leçon 5A – Les temps libres (hobbies / how we spend free time)

    Leçon 5B – Quel temps fait-il ?(weather and seasons / seasonal activities / international weather)

    Unité 6 – Les fetes!

    Leçon 6A – Surprise! (holiday celebrations / narrating past events)

    Leçon 6B – Très chic! (clothing and preferences / fashion in the French-speaking world)

    Unité 7– En Vacances

    Leçon 7A – Bon Voyage! (international and domestic travel; narrating past events)

    Leçon 7B – A l’Hôtel (where to stay and what to do / how to get there)

    Unité 8– Chez nous

    Leçon 8A – La maison (house and home / chores and responsibilities)

    Leçon 8B – Les tâches ménagères (household responsibilities / likes and dislikes)

  • French 2

    Important Information: Mrs Melissa Anderson

    Room 314

    Extra Help: Tuesdays @ 7h10

    By appointment

    Supplies: binder with paper


    Laptop and charger

    Classroom procedures: No cell phones permitted at any time

    HW Monday through Thursday

    Weekly calendars outlining dates for quizzes and tests as well as HW assignments

    Grading Policy: 20% Participation – assessed on a weekly basis; based on preparation for class; classroom behavior; respect for school rules

    20% HW / CW / Online assignments – HW will be checked daily; online assignments may be given as HW or CW; late assignments may be accepted with a penalty.

    30% Quizzes and writing assessments -quizzes are announced; all writing assignments are completed in class; quiz corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    30% Tests / Projects – one week notice given for all tests; all projects completed in class; test corrections permitted after attending extra help.


    D’Accord 2– students will have a sign-in and access code.

    Topics to be covered: Leçon Préliminaire

    Leçon PA – Chez nous (house and home; describing past actions using the imperfect)

    Leçon PB – Les taches ménagères (house and home; family responsibilities; narrating past events)

    Unité 1 – La Nourriture

    Leçon 1A Quel appétit! (food shopping / expressions of time)

    Leçon 1B – A table! (comparing and contrasting / table manners)

    Unité 2– La Sante

    Leçon 2A – La routine quotidienne (daily routines / household responsibilities ; )

    Leçon 2B – j’ai mal (health and wellness; visiting the doctor; healthcare in France)

    Unité 3– La technologie

    Leçon 3A – Le son et l’image (technology)

    Leçon 3B – en voiture (roads and routes; getting around; discussing what could happen.

  • French 3

    Important Information: Mrs Melissa Anderson

    Room 314

    Extra Help: Thursdays @ 7h10

    By appointment

    Supplies: binder with paper


    Laptop and charger

    Classroom procedures: No cell phones permitted at any time

    HW Monday through Thursday

    Weekly calendars outlining dates for quizzes and tests as well as HW assignments

    Grading Policy: 20% Participation – assessed on a weekly basis; based on preparation for class; classroom behavior; respect for school rules

    20% HW / CW / Online assignments – HW will be checked daily; online assignments may be given as HW or CW; late assignments may be accepted with a penalty.

    30% Quizzes and writing assessments -quizzes are announced; all writing assignments are completed in class; quiz corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    30% Tests / Projects – one week notice given for all tests; all projects completed in class; test corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    Final Exam: Checkpoint B exam administered in late June during Regents week


    D’Accord 2– students will have a sign-in and access code.

    Topics to be covered: Unite 4 – En Ville

    Leçon 4A – Les courses (food shopping and chores / spending time in town; expressing conflict)

    Leçon 4B – Où se trouve… (asking for and giving directions; finding your way)

    Unité 5 – L’avenir et les métiers

    Leçon 5A – Au bureau (looking for a job; writing a resume; envisioning a future)

    Leçon 5B – Les professions (careers; qualities of an employee; preferences)

    Unité 6– L’espace verte

    Leçon 6A – Sauvons la planète (environmental concerns ;strategies for a greener planet ; what to do and how to do it )

    Leçon 6B – En pleine nature (spending time outdoors; environmental concerns ; using the subjunctive to express concerns)

    Unité 7– Les arts

    Leçon 7A – Que le spectacle commence (movies and television ; writers and poets)

    Leçon 7B – Au festival d’art (museums and art; sculpture; expressing likes and dislikes)

  • French 4

    Important Information: Mrs Melissa Anderson

    Room 314

    Extra Help: Thursdays @ 7h10

    By appointment

    Supplies: binder with paper


    Laptop and charger

    Classroom procedures: No cell phones permitted at any time

    HW Monday through Thursday

    Weekly calendars outlining dates for quizzes and tests as well as HW assignments

    Grading Policy: 20% Participation – assessed on a weekly basis; based on preparation for class; classroom behavior; respect for school rules

    20% HW / CW / Online assignments – HW will be checked daily; online assignments may be given as HW or CW; late assignments may be accepted with a penalty.

    30% Quizzes and writing assessments -quizzes are announced; all writing assignments are completed in class; quiz corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    30% Tests / Projects – one week notice given for all tests; all projects completed in class; test corrections permitted after attending extra help.

    The French 4 curriculum will build on the skills and knowledge acquired in previous levels, focusing on advanced language proficiency and cultural understanding.

    Pronunciation; accents and spelling; communication tools to enhance natural conversation through cultural exploration; reflection on use of the present-tense to describe every day experiences. Focus on nursery rhymes and featured poets that rely on present-tense structures.

    Description of past events; exploration of cultural landmarks and pertinent historical figures. Review of past tenses in cultural context. Virtual tours of famous graves throughout Paris

    Review and expand on complex grammatical structures such as the subjunctive, conditional, and future tenses.

    Enrich vocabulary related to various themes like travel, health, and daily routines. Incorporate more local and current trends in vocabulary and focus on authentic realia to support these efforts.

    Explore French and Francophone cultures through literature, art, history, and current events.

    Compare cultural practices and perspectives between French-speaking countries and your own. Typical school day in a French-speaking country. Students will virtually visit other homes and experience a “day in the life.”

    Read and analyze French literature, including novels, poetry, and plays. For example “Le Petit Prince” will be the primary focus of the fourth quarter.

    Interpret and discuss authentic French media such as films, music, and news articles. Films will be used to enhance cultural study. Some titles may include « Les Choristes »; « Etre et Avoir »; selections from « Paris Je t’Aime » ; « Le Petit Prince » ; « Molière » « La Vie en Rose. »

    Engage in advanced conversational practice, including debates and presentations.

    Write essays, reports, and creative pieces in French to enhance written communication. Students will create a poetry book; complete an original news broadcast and maintain character profiles from the literature, using reimagined social media constructs (all done on paper.)

  • Syracuse University

    Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

    Fall 2024-2025

    Français 201

    Programme du cours

    Course description

    Instructor:                              Melissa Anderson

    Office:                                    Room 314

    Office hours:                         Thursdays  7:10 AM; by appointment

    Contact information:           631-893-7910

    Bienvenue dans le monde francophone !

    Course description

    This is an intermediate French class that targets speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, in addition to cultural competence and knowledge.  You will review many of the basic structures of French, build conversational skills, read authentic texts, and develop a deeper understanding of Francophone culture!

    This four-credit class meets Monday-Friday for 42 minutes and is conducted in French. 

    Course goals

    By the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • describe complex relationships and social problems in French
    • narrate events using present, past and future tenses
    • draw connections between your own culture and Francophone cultures
    • read authentic literary and cultural texts in French at a mid- intermediate level
    • write narratives and essays at a mid-intermediate level in French
    • understand conversations in French at a mid-intermediate level


    Students are expected to attend class punctually every day and speak French. Attendance is required because the class will move through material at a rapid pace. If you are unable to attend class, you must notify your instructor immediately of your absence, and it is your responsibility to make up any work that you miss.

    Participation and Professionalism

    Student participation will be graded on a daily basis on a scale of 0-5, based on the quality and quantity of your participation. Your weekly average is based on:

    • 5 pts: for speaking in French, being well prepared, participating frequently during class, and being creative with the language.
    • 4 pts: for speaking in French, showing evidence of preparation for class, and making some oral contributions.
    • 3 pts: for being present and showing evidence of preparation, but not speaking consistently in French or participating except when asked.
    • 2 pts or 1 pt: for cell phone use, or for being late, unprepared, or for not respecting the classroom norms below.

    Good participation involves:

    • arriving on time with the necessary materials
    • speaking in French
    • participating in class activities, including group work, and answering questions
    • respecting classmates and the instructor
    • preparing for lessons and reading relevant materials.

    Course Norms

    You are expected to adhere to the following general course norms:

    • Do not use cell phones during class.
    • Do not leave while class is in session except in the case of extreme personal emergency.

    Les devoirs

    So that students can stay on track, assignments will be due each day before the beginning of class and will be completed online through the Vista Supersite or as a written assignment. Students should plan to spend about 30 minutes every day on homework assignments and should come to class prepared to discuss the topics outlined on the calendar.


    You will write five rédactions that you will complete in class. For these rédactions, you will have the option of submitting a second revised draft following your instructor’s feedback. The topics and rubrics will be made available in advance. Late rédactions and revisions will not be accepted.


    There will be contrôles (exams) over the course of the year. There will be a review day in class before each contrôle to go over relevant material.

    Examen oral

    Over the course of the year, you will have speaking assessments. The topics and rubrics will be made available beforehand.

    Grade Breakdown

    Participation ……15%





    Examen oral/activités orales……10%

    Examen final…….20%

    100-94% = A                            73-70% = C-

    93-90% = A-                             69-60% = D

    89-87% = B+                            59-0% = F

    86-84% = B

    83-80% = B-

    79-77% = C+

    76-74% = C

    How to be successful in this course: Attend class punctually, be prepared (read the assigned pages, do the online homework before class, and complete all assignments), and actively participate in French.

    Required texts and materials:

    • Imaginez: le français sans frontières, 4th ed.  Séverine Champeny.  Boston: Vista Higher Learning, 2020.
    • Code for the Supersite (WebSAM + Vtext)

    Additional Class Materials

    • Binder with looseleaf!
    • Pens!
    • Charged laptop