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Kaitlin Loos

  • Topics Covered:

    1- Introduction to Earth’s Changing Environment 2- Measuring Earth 3- Earth in the Universe 4- Motions of Earth, Moon, and Sun 5- Energy in Earth Processes 6- Insolation and the Seasons 7- Weather 8- Water and Climate 9- Weathering and Erosion 10- Deposition 11- Earth Materials- Rocks and Minerals 12- Earth’s Dynamic Crust and Interior 13- Interpreting Geologic History 14- Landscape Development and Environmental Change


    Grading Policy:

    Major Assignments: 60%

    Minor Assignments: 40%


    Homework Policy:

    Homework counts as a minor assignment. Given when

    necessary to reinforce concepts.

  • Course Description/Topics Covered:

    The Reading System used is a highly structured remedial program that directly teaches the structure of the language to students and adults who have been unable to learn with other teaching strategies, or who may require multisensory language instruction. · Provides a systematic and cumulative approach to teach total word structure for decoding and encoding. · Addresses decoding, encoding, oral reading fluency, and comprehension in a sensible and logical fashion. · All instruction is multisensory and interactive. · Uses a unique “sound tapping” system. Scope and Sequence of Instruction • Wilson is structured into steps that focus on a concept. Within each Step there are several Sub-steps that focus on a particular skill the student needs to master before being able to build to the next Sub-step.

    Grading Policy:

    This is a non-graded class; however formative and summative assessments are

    given to inform instruction and ascertain student progress.

    Homework Policy:

    Students are encouraged to practice reading!

  • Welcome to English 8R!!!

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with an eighth grade English education in accordance with the Next Generation Learning Standards. Continuing the work begun in 7th grade, students will learn how to access, interpret, and write about literature and informational texts in class and at home, focusing on characters who are faced with challenging obstacles, yet find the courage to persevere and prevail.

    The curriculum includes the following:


    *Day of Tears, To Be A Slave – both by Julius Lester

    *Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

    *Night by Elie Weisel,

    *Friedrich by Hans Peter Richter

    *The Diary of Anne Frank (the play)

    *Independent reading

    We will also be reading various short stories, poetry, and articles throughout the year.


    Review of the Writing Process (This includes revision and editing, check for mastery of basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.)


    Literature Essay

    Argument Essay



    Verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives), active and passive voice, verb tense, voice and mood (Again, we will work to ensure they can demonstrate a command in the conventions of standard English grammar and usage.)


    Structured vocabulary units assigned

    Vocabulary in context (highlighted in literature and articles, fiction and nonfiction, throughout the year)


    You will need the following: pens (blue or black) or a 4-color ballpoint pen, red pens (or other colors); a highlighter, a notebook (spiral with perforated sheets or a section in a binder), a marble notebook, a folder, post-its, your fully charged Surface Pro device.


    Your grade for each quarter is made up of the following components:

    Homework—15% (Points will be deducted for late homework. Students have up to a week to submit any missing homework. Missing assignments will not be accepted at the end of the quarter, unless there is a unique situation that arises. An arrangement can be made, including mandatory extra help.)

    Quizzes - 30% (These are usually based on homework and reading assignments.)

    Exams/Major Assessments - 40% (Includes projects, exams, projects, presentations)

    Class Participation /Preparedness/Classwork—15%

    TEAMS and Parent Square are the main vehicles we will use to communicate. Assignments, exams, due dates will be shared there. Students are also expected to use their agenda books as well.

    Each quarter is worth 22.5%. You will have a midterm and a final exam. These exams will count as 10% of your final grade.

    In addition, the ELA exam will take place in the Spring. Students are encouraged to take this assessment as it is excellent practice and prep for the English Regents Exam.

  • Course Description/Topics Covered:

    This year, in English Language Arts, we will focus on implementing strategies from our Reader’s and Writer’s Toolbox to become the best readers and writers we can be. We will work together to practice with each strategy that is taught, in order to develop and implement learned skills. Tentative Texts: A variety of short stories, poems, and informational texts (O. Henry, Gary Soto, Hernando Tellez, etc.) A Christmas Carole by Charles Dickens Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin

    Grading Policy:

    Tests and Projects: 40%

    Quizzes: 30%

    Classwork: 30%

    Homework Policy:

    Homework is assigned only on an “as needed” basis, so that students can

    have time to spend with their families after school. Of course, reading together

    is always encouraged.

Course Syllabus