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Christopher Skaar

Course Syllabus

  • This course represents the second half of a two-year chronological study of American History. It begins with the Reconstruction period and sequentially progresses to the present day. It should be noted that essential aspects of New York State history are infused into the subject matter, in accordance with the New York State Social Studies Standards. While a traditional historical approach is emphasized, the course also incorporates other social studies disciplines such as geography, economics, sociology and political science into the curriculum. There is an emphasis on critical thinking, writing, reading, formal research, map and graph analysis and the interpretation of historical documents. The course concludes with a cumulative final examination that is consistent with NYSED Regents Standards.

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.


  • This course is a full year course that covers economics and participation in government. Students will gain basic understandings which all persons will need to function effectively as participants in the economy of the United States and the world. This course will also encourage students to understand and participate in the democratic process. Emphasis will be placed on social responsibility and key civic values. Periodic independent research projects will be assigned throughout the course that requires student analysis of supplemental materials.

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.


  • This Course will center around the major events, personalities and natural environment that have contributed to the development of Long Island, from its pre-Columbian past to the present. Students will examine the many historical highlights of Long Island while studying local towns, people, and their contributions. Students will gain an appreciation for the rich history of their local surroundings by exploring the many varied and exciting time periods of this unique region. Students will also express their comprehension and interpretations of Long Island history with several writing assignments.

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.