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Kristin Yevoli

Course Syllabus

  • Course Description:


    • How to define, develop and refine a detailed research project, how to complete background literature searching,
    • How to prepare a research proposal with a plan of investigation,
    • How to identify/locate a mentor or research instructor (extramural or intramural),
    • How a research project is begun and continues in experimental work.  Some students may profitably identify their mentors early in this process.
    • How to compile, analyze and interpret data from experiments, how to write up research in standard scientific format (depends on field but consistent with papers published in the field), and  
    • How to present research at symposium or similar meeting


    Grading Policy:


    50% Biweekly Assessments (Includes meeting with the research teacher, exams based on new topics, or presentations)


    25% Lab Notebooks (based upon accuracy, completion, neatness, and timeliness of your work within your lab notebook)


    25% Research Work (work related to the student’s independent research with their mentor scientist)


    Homework Policy:

    It is very important that you hand in your labs, assignments, projects etc.  I will accept them after their due date.  However, you will lose a point for every day that the assignment is overdue.  Past one week overdue, the grade will be a 0.

  • Course Description:


    • Continuing a project towards completion of the research experimentation and evolution of project


    As a result, students are expected to:

    • Review and refine the project based on the progress made in URP 150; this will include gaining more experience in journal article searches and data collection. 
    • Actively participate in the review of the work of peers to provide constructive feedback. 
    • Gain a practical understanding of how ChatGPT, Python and/or R can be used in research.  
    • Complete a significant research project including the collection, analysis and interpretation of primary experimental data.
    • Use statistical analysis to provide meaningful insight on the impact of the research findings. 
    • Present project in a public forum.
    • Prepare a manuscript in a fashion suitable for publication in a journal appropriate to their field of inquiry.


    Grading Policy:


    50% Biweekly Assessments (Includes meeting with the research teacher, exams based on new topics, or presentations)


    25% Lab Notebooks (based upon accuracy, completion, neatness, and timeliness of your work within your lab notebook)


    25% Research Work (work related to the student’s independent research with their mentor scientist)


    Homework Policy:

    It is very important that you hand in your labs, assignments, projects etc.  I will accept them after their due date.  However, you will lose a point for every day that the assignment is overdue.  Past one week overdue, the grade will be a 0.

  • Topics Covered:


    Chemistry of Life

    Cell Structure and Function

    Cellular Energetics

    Cell Communication and Cell Cycle


    Gene Expression and Regulation

    Natural Selection



    Grading Policy:


    60% Major Assignments (including tests, projects, lab reports, larger assignments)

    40% Minor Assignments (including homework, quizzes, worksheets, etc.)



    Homework Policy:

    It is very important that you hand in your labs, assignments, projects etc.  I will accept them after their due date.  However, you will lose a point for every day that the assignment is overdue.  Past one week overdue, the grade will be a 0.