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Steven Silipo

Course Syllabus

  • Course Description:

    Chemistry covers a wide array of topics relating to the nature of matter.  The theoretical and quantitative aspects of chemistry are stressed. 


    The following topics are covered but are in much more robust detail than in Regents Chemistry:

    1.         Atomic Structure                               

    2.         Matter and its Changes

    3.         Math in Science                                

    4.         Naming Compounds                          

    5.         Chemical Reactions               

    6.         Stoichiometry                         

    7.         Gas Laws                               

    8.         The Electron                                      

    9.         Periodic Table                                    

    10.       Bonding                                             

    11.       Nuclear Chemistry                             

    12.       Thermodynamics

    13.       Kinetics                                                          

    14.       Equilibrium

    15.       Acids and Bases

    16.       Electro Chemistry

    17.       Organic Chemistry


    A portfolio of completed laboratory reports representing 1200 minutes of laboratory work is required before students take the June New York State Regents exam. 


    Grading Policy:


    60% Major assessments (Tests)

    40% Minor assessments (15% Quizzes, 15% Labs, 10% Homework & Classwork)


    Homework Policy:

    Homework is assigned to reinforce classroom learning when necessary. Assignments are reviewed in class on the due date. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, late homework cannot be made up.