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Andrew Sheltz

Course Syllabus

  • Course Description:

    This is the first year of a four-year program. In Science Research, students will develop basic science inquiry skills through guided experiments as well as investigate current topics in science with an eye toward independent research and career opportunities in science. Research is not only a science skill, but also a life skill, because we are always seeking information. Our ability to use information helps us reach conclusions, make our choices, and communicate more effectively.  This course is laboratory & lecture based, and grades will reflect student achievement on their laboratory reports, homework, assessments, and effort. 


    Course Units:

    Scientific Method, Microscopes, Bacteria Basics, Enzymes, Animal Adaptations, General Lab Skills


    Grading Policy:

    Major Assignments: 60%

    Minor Assignments: 40%


    Homework Policy:

    Homework is assigned to reinforce classroom learning when necessary. Assignments are reviewed in class on the due date. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, late homework cannot be made up. 


  • Course Description:

    The major concepts of living environment are presented from historical and contemporary viewpoints.  These concepts include

    • Use of mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers and develop solutions.
    • Living things are both similar and different from each other and non-living things.
    • Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of structure and function between parents and offspring.
    • Individual organisms and species change over time.
    • The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.
    • Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life.
    • Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment.
    • Human decisions and activities have a profound impact on the environment. 

    Topics Covered:

    • Laboratory and Science Skills
    • Cell and Cell Processes
    • Transport
    • Chemistry and Energy for Life
    • Respiration and Photosynthesis
    • Cell Division
    • Genetics
    • Taxonomy/Evolution,
    • Human Physiology and Reproduction
    • Ecology and Human Impact


    Required NYS Labs:

    Diffusion Through a Membrane

    Beaks of Finches

    Relationships and Biodiversity

    Making Connections



    Grading Policy:

    Major Assignments: 60% (tests and projects)

    Minor Assignments: 40% (15% Quizzes, 15% Labs, 10% Homework/Classwork)


    Homework Policy:

    Homework is assigned to reinforce classroom learning when necessary. Assignments are reviewed in class on the due date. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, late homework cannot be made up.