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Madeline Lee

Course Syllabus

  • Course Description:

    Math 7 is about developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and drawing inferences about populations. Calculator use helps develop, rather than replace, computational skills. Basic geometric concepts are introduced and intertwined with arithmetic. Probability and statistics are studied to provide real world applications for topics previously covered. Students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of math through applications. Introductory equation solving is also emphasized. Students will be prepared for the state assessment administered each year and will be exposed to the format and content of these questions throughout the year.


    Topics Covered:

    • Operations with Integers, Fractions and Decimals
    • Properties of Real numbers
    • Operations with Polynomials
    • Linear Equations and Inequalities
    • Graphing Linear equations and Inequalities
    • Probability and Statistics
    • Geometric Measurement(Perimeter, Area and Volume)
    • Proportional Relationships
    • Percents
    • Geometry of Angles and Triangles


    Homework Policy:

    Homework will be checked daily for completeness.  In order to receive full credit on homework, all work must be shown. The correct answer with no work will receive a zero. All homework assignments may be made up for half credit the next day.


    Grading Policy:

    *Quizzes: A quiz will be given periodically throughout each unit. The quizzes will be a great study tool for the test at the end of each unit. There will be no retakes or quiz corrections. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of each quarter.

    *Tests: A test will be given at the conclusion of every unit. You will receive a study guide or have an in class review the day before each test. There will be no retakes, but you will have the opportunity to earn up to 10 points back with corrections. Test corrections will be a separate worksheet with examples of important topics from the unit. They will be given when the test is given back and are due two days later. Late corrections will not be accepted. 

    *At the end of each quarter, there will be a quarterly review test. This test will replace the lowest test grade that quarter.

    • Tests                        50-75 Points
    • Quizzes                    20-35 Points
    • Homework               1 Point Per Night


  • Course Description:

    This course continues the Regents curriculum for our students. Students taking this course will be prepared for the material in Geometry as outlined by New York State. Students will receive instruction pertaining to Euclidean proof as well as proofs involving coordinate geometry. A rigorous study of postulates, theorems and formal definitions will be fundamental to this course. Constructions will be infused throughout the curriculum to enhance understanding. Students will work to understand one, two, and three-dimensional objects. Students will also receive ongoing use of algebraic principles as it applies to geometry. To meet the requirements of the Regents program, students will receive training on the use of the TI-84+ graphing calculator. Students will take the Geometry Regents exam in June. 


    Topics Covered:

    • Beginning Concepts (Terminology)
    • Constructions
    • Rigid Motion Transformations and Congruence
    • Euclidean Triangle Geometry
    • Coordinate Geometry
    • Quadrilaterals
    • Dilations and Similarity
    • Right Triangle Trigonometry
    • Circle Geometry
    • Geometric Measurements and Modeling


    Homework Policy:

    Homework will be assigned nightly to reinforce what we have done in class. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about any misconceptions you have on the homework when you come into class the next day. At the end of the week, I will check status homework to make sure it is complete and accurate.


    Grading Policy:

    Grades will be calculated using a points system. Each assignment will be worth a certain number of points in the quarterly grade based on category. The following categories are in place:

    • Tests: Roughly 50-75 Points Each
    • Quizzes: Roughly 20-35 Points Each
    • Weekly Homework: 5 Points Each