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Jenna Schwartz

Course Syllabus

  • This is a full year, every-day course suitable for students in grades 10-12 who have previously taken Intro to Culinary Arts. Students will learn the principles of baking ingredients, baking techniques, baking terminology, and basic kitchen math. Students will learn the function of ingredients and methods by creating yeast breads, quick breads, pastries, cookies, cakes, custards, and candy. Cake decorating techniques will also be taught.

    • Prerequisite: Intro to Culinary Arts
  • Family and Consumer Sciences is a practical area of study that utilizes knowledge from all subject areas to enrich every aspect of everyday living. Students develop and acquire new talents and skills, learn about themselves and explore career possibilities. In all courses, students will use problem-solving steps to solve real life problems with consideration to fulfilling short- and long-term career and/or personal goals. Also, they will actively be involved in creating and maintaining a healthy living and learning environment.

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.


  • Learn culinary skills and techniques during this full year course. Knowing how to prepare delicious and nutritious food is a skill that all young adults should be familiar with before heading off to college or living independently. These skills include preparing basic to challenging recipes while learning about different cooking techniques and methods, enjoying a wide variety of appetizing foods while learning to use special cooking equipment, and discovering how food choices are related to health and wellness. Students will explore the following units: quick breads, knife skills, soups and stocks, cookies, meat, basic pastries, yeast breads, grains (pasta, rice, quinoa)

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.