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Lisa D’lorio

Course Syllabus

  • Family and Consumer Sciences is a practical area of study that utilizes knowledge from all subject areas to enrich every aspect of everyday living. Students develop and acquire new talents and skills, learn about themselves and explore career possibilities. In all courses, students will use problem-solving steps to solve real life problems with consideration to fulfilling short- and long-term career and/or personal goals. Also, they will actively be involved in creating and maintaining a healthy living and learning environment.

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.


  • Students taking this course will discover how a child develops, learns, and interacts with others in the school environment and surrounding world. Explore factors that influence a child’s physical, social-emotional, and cognitive development throughout the early years. Find out more about how knowledge of child psychology and development can be applied to a variety of study and careers. Students will gain experience working with three and four-year-old children by taking on an active role in our BHS preschool program! There will be opportunities for students to create, plan, and teach a variety of lessons and learning activities, while applying what they are learning. Students will also engage in a caretaking experience with a “Real Care Baby” infant simulator. This course is offered for 3 college credits through the LIU High School Scholars Program at Long Island University, C.W. Post campus. The cost for this course is approximately $290.00, to be paid by the student directly to LIU. Students enrolled in this course are encouraged to take the class for college credit. Prerequisite: Students who take this course should have a genuine interest in working with young children. Department recommendation required.

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.



  • Lead Student-Teachers for the BHS Panther Preschool Program should have a genuine interest in the preparation and planning aspects of teaching early childhood. Students will gain additional experience working in our BHS Panther Preschool Program by leading activities, helping with classroom design, planning special events and field trips, preparing and organizing engaging learning materials, and other aspects that contribute to making our preschool a special place for children. This is a great opportunity to explore a career in teaching while still in high school! Pre-requisite: College Child Psychology *Department recommendation required.

    Social Studies Department

    Standardized Grading policy

    The Social Studies Department has adopted a department wide grading policy which is broken down into two categories. The two categories are Major assignments and Minor assignments.

    Major assignments will count as 60% of the average.

    Minor Assignments will count as 40% of the average.