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The New York State Science Learning Standards are a series of performance expectations that define what students should understand and be able to do as a result of their study of science. The standards are based on the most current research in science and scientific learning as outlines in the Framework for K-12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council and the Next Generation Science Standards. The framework outlines three dimensions that are needed to provide students with a high-quality science education while engaging with natural scientific phenomenon. The integration of these three dimensions (Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts) provides students with a context for the content of science (DCI), how science knowledge is acquired and understood (SEP) and how the sciences are connected through concepts that have universal meaning across the disciplines (CCC). To meet these standards, students must be able to operate in all three dimensions for each performance expectation. 

Our Middle Level Program for grades 7 and 8 is designed to be an interdisciplinary, hands-on learning experience to stimulate an interest in science while emphasizing inquiry skills, critical thinking, and problem solving. Following Science 7, students proceed to Science 8 where their interdisciplinary studies continue as they prepare for the NYS Science 8 State Assessment. Some students may be accelerated in the 8th grade and placed into Living Environment Accelerated course in lieu of Science 8. 

The Honors Science program begins with Earth Science and is for those dedicated and responsible students who have achieved great success in science thus far.

College level courses, including College Forensics, College Research, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science and AP Physics, are electives offered to high school students. These rigorous courses require student responsibility, dedication, and a deep insight into scientific principles. 

Science Course Offerings

Science 7
Grade 7

The seventh-grade science curriculum uses STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) inquiry and project-based learning. Students use the scientific method daily to learn the introductory engineering and literacy skills needed to investigate our understanding of Earth and Space, such as the Big Bang Theory, space exploration, plate tectonics, and global climate change. In addition, students receive a strong foundation in Chemistry in to enhance their understanding of the composition, structure, properties, and changes that occur within the matter of the Universe.

Science 8
Grade 8 

The eighth-grade science curriculum continues to incorporate inquiry and project-based learning as students study topics in Biology and Physics. Students are given ample opportunity to think critically about these topics as they read, write, and collaborate with one another. Hands-on opportunities for learning are an integral part of the course as they build their scientific skills. The course culminates with students completing the New York State 8th Grade Science Assessment, covering topics from science in grades six through eight. 

Living Environment
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit

This course follows the New York State Science Learning Standards in Living Environment. It involves the study of Living Things form the molecular level to communities and biomes. Special attention is also given to the areas of biochemistry, ecology, and reproduction and development. This class meets 7.5 periods each week. Students must complete 1200 minutes of laboratory investigations, including mandatory state lab investigations as guided by NYSED to be eligible to take the Regents Exam.  *NCAA Approved 

Accelerated Living Environment
Grade 8, 1 Credit 
Students may be selected to join the Living Environment Accelerated course after Science7. These students are among the highest achievers in both science and math. Students must be responsible and mature enough to enter the Regents program early. This course follows the New York State Learning Standards in Life Science: Biology. It involves the study of living things from the molecular level to communities and biomes. Special attention is also given to the areas of biochemistry, ecology, and reproduction and development. This class meets 7.5 periods each week. Students must complete 1200 minutes of laboratory investigations, including mandatory state lab investigations as guided by NYSED to be eligible to take the Regents Exam.

Co-requisite: Students enrolled in Accelerated Living Environment must have achieved an overall average of  90% in Science 7.  *NCAA Approved 

Grade 9 -10, ½ Credit
STEAM 1 is a supplementary science course that provides inquiry-based projects to enhance skills in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. Course content is designed to enhance the student’s understanding of science using modules. These modules include collaborative, research based, engineering projects including an introduction to aquaponics. Various applications of technology are integrated to organize student work and assignments, to improve upon technological skills, and allow collaboration between teachers and students. Students participate in science projects to connect with professionals in the field and the community. Modules emphasize hands-on skills that will prepare students for careers in STEAM fields. This class runs on alternating days. 

Physical Setting/Earth Science
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit 
The content of this course is based on the NYS Earth Science Curriculum. It is a laboratory program that investigates topics in earth sciences such as astronomy, geology, and meteorology. Through collaborative hands-on opportunities students will explore these topics and the natural world around them. The use of reference tables is relied upon to minimize the memorization of facts. The course culminates with the NYS Physical Setting/Earth Science Regents exam.  *NCAA Approved 

Physical Setting/Earth Science Honors
Grade 9, 1 Credit

The Honors Earth Science course will enhance the Earth Science Regents curriculum and will offer students the opportunity to challenge themselves academically. Students enrolled in the Honors Earth Science course will gain exposure to and an understanding of Earth Science that is both broader and deeper than the standard curriculum. The course culminates with the NYS Physical Setting/Earth Science Regents exam.

Prerequisite: Students enrolled into the Honors Earth Science Program must have achieved an overall average of 90% or higher in Accelerated Living Environment or a 90% or higher in the Living Environment Regents course *NCAA Approved 

Grade 10-11, ½ Credit

STEAM 2 is a supplementary science course that provides inquiry-based projects to enhance skills in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. Course content is designed to enhance the student’s understanding of science through the use of modules. These modules include collaborative, research based, engineering projects including an advanced application of aquaponics. Various applications of technology are integrated to organize student work and assignments, to improve technological skills, and allow collaboration between teachers and students. Students participate in science projects to connect with professionals in the field and the community. Modules emphasize hands-on skills that will prepare students for careers in STEAM fields. The projects and modules offered in STEAM 2 will be unique to this course and will build upon but cover different concepts than those in STEAM 1. This class runs on alternating days.

Advanced STEAM
Grade 11-12, ½ Credit
Advanced STEAM is a supplementary science course that builds on inquiry-based projects completed in STEAM 1 and 2 to enhance skills in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. Course content is designed to apply the student’s understanding of science and engineering and its impacts on the community. Modules will include projects that allow students to connect their learning with the outside community to build on research based, engineering projects including a focus on sustainability and preservation of Earth’s resources. Modules will continue to emphasize hands-on skills that will prepare students for careers in STEAM fields. The projects and modules offered in Advanced STEAM will be unique to this course and will build upon but cover different concepts than those in STEAM 1 and 2. This class runs on alternating days. 

Physical Setting/Chemistry
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit

This course of study represents a modern view of chemistry suitable for pupils with a wide range of skills and abilities. Laboratory work is designed to encourage pupils to look for relationships. Each exercise is designed to investigate a problem or concept related to the area of study. Among the areas of study are atomic theory, organic chemistry, kinetics of equilibrium and acids, bases and salts. The course culminates with the NYS Chemistry Regents exam.  *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisites: Students are required to have obtained a passing overall average in Earth Science, as well as on the Earth Science Regents exam, or 80% in Physical Science.

Physical Setting/Chemistry Honors
Grade 10-11, 1 Credit

This course is designed for students with a strong interest in science or science related fields of study. This course places emphasis on the theoretical concepts of chemistry and is taught as an inquiry-based class – both in discussion sessions as well as during laboratory sessions. Many of the questions posed in class, on homework, and on laboratory assignments will be designed to help students develop higher-level critical thinking skills. Students will get many opportunities for hands-on experiences in chemistry and will also gain experience in technical writing with formal lab write-ups, similar to a college format. Computers will also be used in the lab for both research and data collection. There will be much more independence expected of the students, both in homework and lab procedures than the Regents program. The course culminates with the NYS Chemistry Regents exam. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisites: Students are required to achieve a 90% minimum in Honors Earth Science or a 95% or higher in the Regents Earth Science course. 

The Physical Setting/Physics
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit 

This course should be considered by all students interested in pursuing an academic program of study in college. The physical environment is studied through concentrated study in four major units – Mechanics, Wave Motion and Light, Electricity, and Nuclear Physics. In addition to the class lectures, special attention is given to the laboratory phases of the course to provide each student with the opportunity to learn the practical aspects of science. This course culminates with the NYS Physical Setting/Physics Regents exam.  *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisites: Students are required to obtain a passing overall average in Chemistry, as well as a passing grade on the Chemistry Regents exam. 

Physical Setting/Physics Honors
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit

This course is designed for students with a strong interest in science or a science-related field of study and interested in pursuing a degree in science or the medical field in college. This course takes the topics covered in Regents Physics and covers them in greater depth. Honors students will often be expected to solve problems that require more synthesis, more difficult mathematics, and more abstract thinking. There will be much more independence expected of the students, both in homework and lab procedures than the Regents program. Also, certain topics will be covered in this course that are not covered in Regents Physics. The course culminates with the NYS Physical Setting/Physics Regents exam.  *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: Students are required to achieve a 90% or higher in Honors Chemistry or 95% or higher in Regents Chemistry. Successful completion of Algebra 2 and a passing grade on the Algebra 2 Regents exam. 

The Research Program
The Babylon Junior-Senior High School Research Program courses are designed to offer interested students the opportunity to become truly immersed in scientific research. The Research Program at BHS is rigorous, and inquiry based. It requires students to work collaboratively, as well as independently.

Research 1
Grades 9-10, 1 Credit

Students will develop their preliminary research skills in the Research 1 course. This course was developed to expose students to the fundamental skills required in scientific research and introduce them to equipment used in the field of science. Research 1 is a prerequisite to Research 2 and upper-level research courses. Students who wish to participate in the Research 1 program must complete a written application. This application, including a writing sample, will be submitted to the teacher in accordance with the deadline established. Applications will be reviewed by a committee. 

Prerequisite: Students should achieve a minimum grade of 85 on both the Science 8 final exam and the Math 8 final exam.

Research 2
Grades 10-11, 1 Credit

Research 2 is designed to enable students to improve their research skills, including technological and scientific literacy. Students will become accustomed to reviewing scientific journals and using their findings for their own authentic research. Students will be required to conduct independent, hands-on research and will be mentored throughout the process. Students in Research 2 will also be required to enter their work in scientific competitions. 

Prerequisite: Completion of Research 1 with a minimum year-grade of 90 is required for advancement into Research 2 and subsequent Upper-Level Research courses. Students must also receive the approval of the Science Research teacher and the Director of the Science Department.

College Research 3 and 4
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit

4 College Credits – Syracuse University

The primary goals of the Syracuse University Undergraduate Science Research Program are to provide critical opportunities for students to understand what constitutes modern scientific research and to gain first-hand mentored experience in the scientific disciplines. These goals are achieved through both a close examination of the scientific discovery and communication process and through direct “hands-on” involvement in carefully guided basic and applied research projects. The scientific development and encouragement of young scientists in this program is promoted and fostered through direct and frequent interactions between teachers, science research professionals and other program participants. The cost for each course is approximately $115 per credit, to be paid by the student directly to Syracuse University (financial assistance is available).
URP 150 (4 credits) – for Juniors
URP 250 (4 credits) – for Seniors 
Prerequisites: A student registering for this course must have the recommendation of the current science teacher and the Director of the Science Department. Students must also have previously taken Research 1 and 2 and overall average of 90% or higher in previous science courses. 12th grade students in URP 250 must have already taken 11th grade URP 150.

Physical Science
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit
This course is designed to allow students to explore the basic concepts of physical science. The course includes an introduction to the fundamental concepts of physics and chemistry as it explores the relationship between matter and energy. Students will investigate forces and motion, chemical and physical properties of matter, and ways in which matter and energy interact within the natural world. Students will also be encouraged to explore the relationship between science and everyday life through hands-on laboratory investigations, group lecture, individual studies, and group activities. It will meet for one period each day for the full year.

Marine Science
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit
Marine Science is designed to meet the needs of the student who wishes to obtain an in-depth awareness of coastal and marine systems. Students will study the physical, chemical, and geological aspects of oceanography, marine biology, the coastal environment and the interrelationships among the disciplines. Habitats studied will range from near shore estuarine systems to deep ocean systems. Laboratory sessions include phyla dissections that play an important role in supporting lecture material. *NCAA Approved 

Advanced Placement and College Credit Courses:
Advanced Placement and college level courses are offered in many of the science disciplines, including Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, Physics, and Forensics. Advanced Placement courses all have the requirement that each student must take the AP examination in the respective disciplines. All AP classes are scheduled as a one period per day class and a laboratory period every other day. The Forensic Science course offers students the opportunity to study college-level science and earn 4 college credits from Syracuse University. The fee for this course is set by Syracuse University directly. This class is scheduled as a one period per day class and runs for a full year.

College Forensic Science
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit
4 College Credits – Syracuse University

Forensic Science is focused upon the application of scientific methods and techniques to crime and law and designed for the college bound student. This course is intended to provide an introduction to understanding the science behind crime detection. Topics included are blood analysis, organic and inorganic evidence analysis, microscopic investigations, hair analysis, DNA, drug chemistry and toxicology, fiber comparisons, glass compositions and fragmentations, fingerprints, soil comparisons, and arson investigations, among others. Laboratory exercises will include techniques commonly employed in forensic investigations. The cost for this course is approximately $115.00 per credit, to be paid by the student directly to Syracuse University (financial aid is available). *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisite: 80% or higher overall average in Honors Chemistry or 85% or higher overall average in Regents Chemistry.

Advanced Placement Biology
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit

This course begins with a discussion of the unique properties of living organisms that set them apart from nonliving. The presentation of molecular and cellular biology follows and gives a background for the concepts of reproduction and genetics. Units dealing with microbiology, multi-cellular plants, and organic chemistry follow in a logical sequence. The laboratory, being an integral part of the course, offers experience in sophisticated as well as basic laboratory techniques. AP Courses offer students an opportunity to take a course taught on a college level. Both enrichment and college credit are available to the dedicated student. Intensive classroom work, independent study and research are an integral part of the classroom. Students must take the AP exam to receive weighted course credit: If a student doesn’t take the exam, it’s not possible to tell if he/she learned the content one would expect of an AP course. Requiring a student to take the exam ensures that the grade in the class is aligned with the student’s mastery of the course content knowledge. Students are expected to pay the associated College Board a fee for the exam. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisites: A student registering for this course must have the recommendation of the current science teacher, and an overall average of 85% or higher for all previous Regents Science courses. Students must have received a passing grade on the Living Environment Regents exam.

Advanced Placement Chemistry
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit 

The AP Chemistry course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced coursework in Chemistry. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore content such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. Both enrichment and college credit are available to the dedicated student. Intensive classroom work, independent study and research are an integral part of the classroom. Students must take the AP exam to receive weighted course credit: If a student doesn’t take the exam, it’s not possible to tell if he/she learned the content one would expect of an AP course. Requiring a student to take the exam ensures that the grade in the class is aligned with the student’s mastery of the course content knowledge. Students are expected to pay the associated College Board for fee for the exam. *NCAA Approved 

Prerequisites: A student registering for this course must have the recommendation of the current science teacher, and an overall average of 85% or higher for all previous Regents Science courses. Students must have completed Chemistry Regents or Honors and received a passing score on the Chemistry Regents exam. 

Advanced Placement Physics
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit 

AP Physics 1 (Algebra Based) is a course for those who would like to expand their understanding of physics. This course will build upon the Regents Physics curriculum previously studied. Students will explore and apply concepts on a deeper level. Laboratory assignments are inquiry based and hands-on. These assignments will foster a true understanding of the material and will require students to think independently and critically about various concepts in physics. AP Courses offer students an opportunity to take a course taught on a college level. Both enrichment and college credit are available to the dedicated student. Intensive classroom work, independent study and research are an integral part of the classroom. Students must take the AP exam to receive weighted course credit: If a student doesn’t take the exam, it’s not possible to tell if he/she learned the content one would expect of an AP course. Requiring a student to take the exam ensures that the grade in the class is aligned with the student’s mastery of the course content knowledge. Students are expected to pay the associated College Board a fee for the exam. 

Prerequisites: A student registering for this course must have the recommendation of the current science teacher, and an overall average of 85% or higher for all previous Regents Science courses. It is highly recommended that students have completed Physics Regents or Honors and received a passing score on the Physics Regents exam. Successful completion of Regents Chemistry and Algebra 2. 

Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Grades 11-12, 1 Credit 

AP Environmental Science is a problem based multidisciplinary course that integrates the physical sciences, life sciences, and social sciences. The essential themes of the course include Land and its Uses, Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Weather, and Energy Needs and Production. AP Environmental Science is designed to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human made, and to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems. Students will be taught how to analyze these problems, generate alternatives, and make responsible choices in order to encourage stewardship of the earth’s natural resources. AP Courses offer students an opportunity to take a course taught on a college level. Both enrichment and college credit are available to the dedicated student. Intensive classroom work, independent study and research are an integral part of the classroom. Students must take the AP exam to receive weighted course credit: If a student doesn’t take the exam, it’s not possible to tell if he/she learned the content one would expect of an AP course. Requiring a student to take the exam ensures that the grade in the class is aligned with the student’s mastery of the course content knowledge. Students are expected to pay the associated College Board a fee for the exam. 

Prerequisites: A student registering for this course must have the recommendation of the current science teacher, and an overall average of 85% or higher for all previous Regents Science courses. Students must have received a passing grade on the Earth Science Regents and the Chemistry Regents.